How cities in India can meet the challenges of climate change
At the first National Best Practice Workshop in the framework of CapaCITIES on 29/30th April in Chennai (Tamil Nadu / India), Reto Dettli explained the methodology developed by econcept and ICLEI for the development of urban climate action plans. Case studies from 4 cities show concrete results from the definition of goals to the implementation of first measures.
The core of the methodology is the "Basket of Solutions", an action tool based on the Energy City label with 38 topics in 9 areas, which enables an initial stocktaking, provides ideas for action plans, contains good examples from other cities and is coordinated with national strategies. With this systematic approach, it is possible to significantly shorten the period from the first political commitment to the adoption of action plans (Climate Resilience Action Plan) and to involve all relevant stakeholders in the process.