
  • How cities in India can meet the challenges of climate change

    At the first National Best Practice Workshop in the framework of CapaCITIES on 29/30 April in Chennai (Tamil Nadu / India), Reto Dettli explained the methodology developed by econcept and ICLEI for the development of urban climate action plans. Case studies from 4 cities show concrete results from the definition of goals to the implementation of first measures.

  • Best Practice-Workshop for Climate Resilient Cities in India

    Reto Dettli was a speaker at the Best Practice Workshop in New Delhi as part of the CapaCITIES project (Capacity Building for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient City Development) at the end of January 2019. Representatives of various Indian cities discussed the topics of climate action planning and implementation, waste management, water and wastewater management, mobility and project financing.

  • Validation and verification of climate protection projects

    Swiss climate protection projects must be reviewed by an independent body before they are registered with the Swiss government. econcept is accredited by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) as an institution for the validation and verification of climate protection projects in Switzerland.

  • Concept for national poverty monitoring

    Within the framework of the National Programme against Poverty, possibilities for a nationwide monitoring of poverty were examined in depth. econcept drew up an inventory of existing domestic and foreign poverty reports and worked with the relevant actors to develop proposals for a possible form of national poverty monitoring.

  • Energy Saving Consultants for Zurich

    The Electricity Works of the City of Zurich (ewz) is broadly implementing the findings of the pilot project "Energiesparlotsen/innen in Zürcher Wohnsiedlungen" (Energy Saving Consultants in Zurich Residential Communities). The pilot project with non-professional energy consultants was carried out by econcept on behalf of the Foundation "Wohnungen für kinderreiche Familien" (apartments for large families) and in close cooperation with ewz. The project has now been transferred to the ewz product range.