Environment / natural resources Site development


Many of the economic challenges facing us today and in the future can only be tackled using an interdisciplinary approach. Of particular importance in this area is the efficient and effective formation of government regulation and the consideration of external effects. On the basis of innovative economic and business methods, econcept develops solid, interdisciplinary and practical frameworks for decision-making in politics, administration and industry. Our main areas of focus are environmental, energy and resource economics, as well as agricultural economics and the welfare state economy.

We assist the federal and cantonal governments in establishing efficient and effective regulation. This involves evaluating the economic effects of new and existing regulations using qualitative and quantitative methods and arriving at recommendations for optimising the regulations.

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Reference project: Regulation

Differenzierte Regulierung und Opting-out

Eine vom SECO in Auftrag gegebene Studie untersuchte differenzierte Regulierung und Opting-out Klauseln als Instrument, um die administrative Belastung in der Schweiz zu senken.

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Benjamin Buser

Regional economics and location development, innovation policy, sustainability assessments and evaluations, social sciences

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Viable decisions in policy-making and government must be based on sound cost-benefit analyses and models. We evaluate external factors and public goods and establish the economic groundwork for assessing initiatives and environmental reporting.

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Agricultural and regional policy measures are characterised by the fact that they aim to strike a balance between numerous complex systems. We establish the groundwork for optimised agricultural and regional policy-making.

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Reference project: Agricultural and regional economics

Wirtschaftsfaktor Flughafen München

Gutachtenzur Quantifizierung der wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung des Flughafens München für sein Umland, die Metropolregion München, Bayern und die Bunderepublik Deutschland.

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Benjamin Buser

Regional economics and location development, innovation policy, sustainability assessments and evaluations, social sciences

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Basil Odermatt

Economic and business management issues, statistical analyses, econometrics, digitalisation strategies

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We examine state social security and means-tested benefits and systems from an economic perspective. In this work, we employ complex quantitative models for assessing everything from the financial implications of individual benefits systems to the effects of their interaction.

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